NORTEGAM is a Brazilian consultancy company, founded in 2004, established in the State of Pará, formed by senior executives specialized in the shipping and environmental segment.

Focused in maritime development, environmental management and development of innovative concepts in these segments.

The leader of each segment, a senior member of our team, ensures the implementation of the maintenance guidelines of a high standard of compliance, excellence and integrity.


Operates in hydrography and navigation, multimodal transport, risk management, maritime freight of solid and liquid bulk, general cargo and project cargo, working in the areas of naval engineering projects for dedicated vessels, technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies (EVTEA ) and environmental management.

Also focused on innovative logistical conceptions, the legislation of the waterway sector related to maritime and fluvial transport, preparation of studies and projects for the implantation of port terminals for private use, cargo transshipment station (ETC), and elaboration of financing processes with the Amazon Bank, FNO and SUDAM.

The projects are presented in Reports in A4 size documents, with blueprints in scale and appropriate sizes, within ABNT standards, to allow a perfect understanding of what is being exposed, dimensioned, and projected. Both documents and blueprints are also provided digitally. For each stage of the project, a report is issued containing the activities developed.

  • Fluvial and maritime transport projects;
  • Shipbroker and charters;
  • Cargo broker;
  • Creation of clusters;
  • Commodity verticalization projects;
  • Multimodal transportation projects;
  • Technical and economic studies;
  • Legal and institutional advice;
  • Innovative logistics concepts;
  • Projects of Practice claims;
  • Tug employment plan;
  • Tug cost reduction plan;
  • Demand studies;
  • Financing projects;
  • Strategic planning;
  • Engineering project development
  • Private terminals
  • Business plan elaboration
  • Feasibility studies
  • Diagnostics and risk management
  • Navigability, Hydrological and Bathymetric studies
  • Logistics concepts
  • Cost and tariff analysis
  • Demand studies
  • Financing projects
  • Strategic planning
  • Dredging studies
  • Environmental safety
  • Emergency plans
  • Preparation of EIS/ EIR
  • Planning in environmental management
  • Remediation




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Nortegam Maritime & Environmental
Travessa Dom Romualdo de Seixas, 1560
Ed. Connext Office, 11º Andar
Umarizal - Belém - PA
CEP 66055-200

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